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Planning Board Minutes 06/01/04
JUNE 1, 2004

Members Present:        Robert Frizzell – Chair; Steven Neill – Ex-Officio; Robert Beaudry,
David Sussman

Alternates Present:     Linda Stewart, Roger Thibodeau

Staff Present:          David Edkins – Planning & Zoning Administrator
                        Regina Borden – Recording Secretary

CALL TO ORDER & SEATING OF ALTERNATES:  Chair Robert Frizzell called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.  He noted the absence of regular members Gail Fellows, Sharon Francis, and Fred Poisson and called upon Roger Thibodeau to sit for Fred Poisson and Linda Stewart to sit for Gail Fellows.  


David Sussman moved to approve the Minutes of the May 18, 2004, meeting as printed.  Roger Thibodeau seconded the motion.  With five members in favor, the minutes were approved.  Robert Beaudry abstained, as he was not present on May 18.

BONNIE L. RUMRILL, Cont’d. – In-Home Day Care for up to 9 Children – 1440 Acworth Road – Map 35, Lot 26-4 – Zone E (Mixed Use):  Patrick Rumrill was present representing the applicant.  A revised Site plan was distributed to the Planning Board; everything requested was included on three sheets.  Mr. Edkins displayed photos of the site:  1) from Acworth Road looking up the driveway to the house; 2) a closer view of the driveway with a vehicle parked on the backside of the house; and 3) the backyard area, where the well is located and the play area will be.  The surrounding property is pretty densely wooded and the property across the road is vacant at this time.  Mr. Rumrill confirmed that a fence would be installed around the play area.  There were no abutters present.  

Mrs. Stewart moved to accept the application as complete.  Mr. Thibodeau seconded the motion.  With six members in favor, the motion carried.

Mr. Sussman moved to grant final approval of the application.  Mr. Neill seconded the motion.  With six members in favor, the motion carried.

STANLEY M. & SHARON E. KINNEY – Two (2) Lot Subdivision – 183 Sam Putnam Road – Map 35, Lot 55 – Zone E (Mixed Use):  The parcel contains a total of 6.1 acres and will be subdivided into a front lot containing 1.1 acres with approximately 247 feet of frontage on Sam Putnam Road and a 5.1 acre back lot with 54.47 feet of frontage.  Both lots have existing, state approved septic systems and wells serving their respective residences.  Stanley and Sharon Kinney advised that their children have lived in the mobile home on the front lot for four years and now want to put in a new home on a full foundation, therefore, the need to subdivide the property into two lots.  

There are two manufactured dwellings on the lot under that permit that was issued a number of years ago.  Mr. Edkins advised that this was approved under the old “Second Dwelling Exemption” provisions in the Town regulations, which have since been repealed.  With this application, the Kinneys will bring the property into compliance with the current regulations, with the two dwellings situated on separate lots.  This subdivision meets the criteria of at least 200 feet of road frontage for the front lot and 50 feet for the back lot.  The Kinney’s have applied for a driveway permit for the second lot that was approved by Keith Weed, the Highway Superintendent.  Mr. Frizzell pointed out that the Board does not require that a driveway be put in at this time but that there be a provision for it.  The Kinney’s will continue to use the present driveway for now.  

Mr. Neill moved to accept this application from as complete.  Mr. Thibodeau seconded the motion.  With six members in favor, the motion carried.

It was noted that there were no abutters present.  Mr. Edkins advised that Ann Tarmey, an abutter to the east, came in just to ask about the plan as she could not be present at this meeting but had no objections.  Mrs. Kinney confirmed that they will sell the mobile home on the front lot when the new dwelling has been built.  They are anxious to start as the cost of building materials is skyrocketing.

Mr. Neill moved to grant final approval of this application.  Mrs. Stewart seconded the motion.  With six members in favor, the motion carried.

VICTOR ST. PIERRE – Preliminary Consultation re: Subdivision of Land on Great Country Road – North Charlestown:  Victor St. Pierre distributed copies of a sketch to subdivide two of his four parcels into seventeen (17) building lots on the Great Country Road, which is currently a Class 6 road.  The four lots have:  8.9 acres, 21.7 acres, 11.8 acres and a back lot of about 55 acres that abuts on Calavant Hill Road; there is a 25 foot right-of-way to Desi’s Store.  Mr. and Mrs. St. Pierre built in 1989 and signed a waiver for the Town to not be liable for services.  They would like to give a lot to their daughter and future son-in-law but to get financing they need to be on a Town approved road.  

Mr. Edkins said that the street design standards in the subdivision regulations say that dead end streets shall not exceed 1,000 feet in length.  Mr. St. Pierre does not plan for an additional outlet at this time.  From the Class 5 road to the cul-de-sac is 2,300 feet.  There was discussion relative to looping the road back onto itself.  The Great Country Road would be brought up from a Class 6 to town standards or a Class 5 road.  (Fred Poisson arrived at the meeting at 7:25 P.M).  Mr. St. Pierre asked if the Board would allow a Variance for extending the street from 1,000 feet to 1,300 feet?  Mr. Edkins responded that the Board has the right under the subdivision regulations to waive any of the requirements and he read this section; there is some flexibility.  Mr. St. Pierre noted that Great Country Road was established in 1784.  He would like the other road in the subdivision to be named King’s Grant Road because of its historical context.  Mr. Frizzell asked if there could be another outlet for the road?  Mr. St. Pierre advised that it abuts a lot on Cedarwood Road which is restricted against further subdivision so that isn’t an option and the lots along the River Road are all bought and built on.  It is about 2,300 feet from the cul-de-sac to the River Road.  

There was discussion relative to bringing the loop to a different outlet.  Mr. St. Pierre said it could be done but there would be some one-half acre lots and he wanted to keep the larger lots.  Mr. Frizzell advised that the Board would like to stay within their regulations.  Mr. Edkins read portions of the regulations about reserving a right-of-way for future continuation of the road as an option.  

Mr. St. Pierre noted that the regulations talk about 200 feet of frontage – is that on a cul-de-sac as well?  Mr. Sussman responded “yes”.  Mr. Edkins said that new lots without both Town water and sewer require 200 feet of frontage; it is a subdivision requirement.  Each lot will have a separate septic system.  Mr. St. Pierre advised that Great Country Road is a Class 6 road all the way to Judland Heights Road.  The road is just about 15 feet from somebody’s front door.  Mr. St. Pierre will install a 6” water main with fire hydrants so there will be fire protection.  He talked to Dave Duquette about the Town water service.  Mr. Frizzell feels that the Fire Department should be brought in on this discussion and it was suggested that Mr. St. Pierre contact Fire Chief Gary Stoddard.  Mr. St. Pierre will look at the possibility of looping the road around.  Mr. Edkins recommended that Mr. St. Pierre contact Keith Weed, Superintendent of the Highway Department.  Mr. Frizzell would like to see a road drawn in on the upper part of the map and show a place for the road to come back in.  Mr. St. Pierre said the power lines will be coming out and will be replaced with underground power; the telephone and TV lines will all be underground.  A professional engineer will be hired to design the road and water line.

Fred Poisson came on as a member of the Planning Board.

Community Goals Workshop:  Dave Edkins reminded the Planning Board about the Community Goals Workshop to be held on Saturday, June 12th, 2004, from 8:30 am to 2:30 pm at the Middle School.  The brochure said to RSVP by the end of this week but there hasn’t been an overwhelming response to date.   

Zoning Board of Adjustment:  Mr. Frizzell discussed the agenda item that was before the Zoning Board of Adjustment last week.  It is a triangular sized lot that abuts the Old Fort No. 4 property and the owners wanted to build a three-car garage.  Oddly shaped lots such as this present problems.  The ZBA granted approval.   

ADMINISTRATION & CORRESPONDENCE:                                                                    
Mr. Edkins included copies of miscellaneous enforcement related correspondence in the Board’s packets.  

To-date there is nothing scheduled on the next meeting agenda for Tuesday, June 15th.  
There being no other business, Mr. Beaudry moved for adjournment.  Mr. Sussman seconded the motion and, with six members in favor, the meeting adjourned at 8:12 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
Regina Borden, Recording Secretary                                      Minutes Filed: 6-2-04

(Note:  These are unapproved minutes.  Corrections, if necessary, may be found in the minutes of the June 15, 2004, meeting.)